Business Taxation Advice regarding Tax Updates in Australia

Considering an SMSF? Key Questions to Ask Yourself
Key Factors to Consider Before Starting an SMSF Many Australians are turning to self-managed super funds (SMSFs) to take greater

New Federal Incentives for Build to Rent Developments: What You Need to Know
New Incentives for Build to Rent Developments Explained As of January 1, 2025, the Federal Government has rolled out new

Recovering from a Natural Disaster: What You Need to Know About Tax Implications
Understanding the Tax Implications of Rebuilding and Recovery After a Natural Disaster As Australia faces another summer of unpredictable weather,

Understanding How Tax Works in Australia’s Superannuation System
A Simple Guide to Understanding How Tax Works in Australia’s Superannuation System Australia’s superannuation system plays a key role in

ATO launches small business focus areas for 2025
ATO small business focus areas for 2025 Understanding the ATO’s focus areas for 2025 is essential to ensuring your business

Managing your business tax debts
How to manage your business tax debts with the ATO Facing a tax bill is a common challenge for many

Navigating business growth: ATO’s medium and emerging program for private groups
Impact of the ATO’s medium and emerging program for private groups If your small or medium business is on a

FBT and tax considerations for end-of-year parties and gifts
FBT and tax implications of Xmas parties and gifts As the end of year season approaches, it’s a great time

Tax cases: September 2024
Federal Court and AAT tax decisions published in September 2024 Select list of tax decisions published by the Federal Court

Salary sacrifice and super
Salary sacrificing into super Salary sacrificing to make additional contributions to your superannuation fund can help grow your superannuation balance

Can you claim a tax offset?
Tax offsets you may be able to claim A tax offset reduces the tax you pay on your taxable income.

ATO data matching: “lifestyle” assets and your business
ATO examining luxury assets The ATO has announced or extended a number of data matching programs recently, including the lifestyle

Do you rent out your holiday home?
Tax implications of renting out your holiday home If you own a holiday home you might rent it out at

Small business restructure roll over: tax relief for genuine business restructures
Tax relief for restructuring your small business With the latest statistics showing a significant rise in liquidations and with the

New ATO resources for GST food and health product classification
Resources to help small business classify food and health products for GST purposes Alongside the ATO’s GST public advice and

Tax consequences of renting part of your home
Income tax consequences of sharing your home Homeowners can share their homes in a range of ways – you might

Tax cases: August 2024
Published tax cases August 2024 Federal Court: Tax Practitioners Board v Van Dyke [2024] FCA 899 14 August 2024 | Abraham

Super guarantee a focus area for ATO business debt collection
Unpaid super a focus for ATO debt collection The ATO has revealed its focus areas for the current financial year,

Unlocking value: subdividing your family home
Subdividing the family home to unlock value Many retirees find themselves cash-poor but asset-rich. For those living on larger properties,

Tax cases: July 2024
Published tax cases July 2024 The select list of decisions published in July is below, with headnotes reproduced and links

Claiming business motor vehicle expenses – which method to use?
What method do you use to claim business motor vehicle expenses? If your business owns or leases a motor vehicle

Time for a super check-up
Give your super a check-up with the start of the new financial year The new financial year has begun, and

Tax incentives for small businesses
Taxation incentives for small business that can reduce tax With the passing of the 2023-24 financial year, small business owners

Tax Cases: June 2024
Published tax cases June 2024 It was a busy end to the financial year in the courts and AAT with

Get your employees’ super right for the new financial year
Important payroll and superannuation reminders for employers As the new financial year begins, employers need to keep an eye on

Division 7A loans: minimum repayments
Review exposure to Division 7A and take action With the end of the financial year imminent, private companies should be

Tax Time 2024: focus on rental property owners
Inflated rental property claims in focus for tax time 2024 The ATO has flagged inflated rental property claims as one

Tax time reminders for small businesses
Tax time 2024: reminders for small business As tax time 2024 approaches, the ATO has released some important reminders for

Get ready for tax time 2024
Tax time 2024 – ATO focus areas As the ATO gears up for tax time 2024, it has flagged three

ATO data-matching: crypto assets
ATO crypto assets data-matching program Hot on the heels of reports that a growing number of SMSFs are sustaining significant

HECS-HELP debt to increase with indexation
Student loan debts to increase from 1 June 2024 due to indexation The HECS-HELP loan program is part of the

Navigating complexities of SMSF crypto investments
Difficulties with SMSFs investing in crypto assets The digital currency landscape continues to be treacherous terrain for Self-Managed Superannuation Fund

Trust reporting changes from 1 July 2024
Changes to trust reporting Changes to simplify reporting for trustees and beneficiaries are commencing from 1 July 2024 as part

Fast track finalisation of certain deceased estates tax affairs
Fast track finalisation of less complex estate tax affairs The ATO has recently released an updated guideline (PCG 2018/4) that

ATO targeting false invoicing schemes
Fake invoice schemes targeted by ATO The Serious Financial Crime Taskforce (SFCT) led by the ATO is warning businesses against

Old Tax Debts: IGTO weighs in
Inspector General of Taxation and Taxation Ombudsman issues guidelines re notification of debts owing to government In response to criticism

Changes proposed for annual superannuation performance test
Proposed changes to the annual super fund performance test The annual superannuation performance test was introduced in 2021 by the

ATO use of small business benchmarks
How the ATO uses small business benchmarks Recently, the ATO updated its small business benchmarks to include the 2021-22 income

Superannuation on Paid Parental Leave
Government to pay super on paid parental leave The government has announced that from 1 July 2025, it will commence

ATO concerns over Division 7A
ATO concerned about compliance with Division 7A Division 7A of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 was introduced as a

ATO rental bond data matching program continues
ATO matching rental bond data with landlords tax returns Investment property owners beware! The ATO has signalled that its rental

FBT: alternatives to employee declarations
Alternatives to employee declarations for FBT Employers that provide certain fringe benefits to their employees can now use appropriate alternative

Refresher on deductibility of self-education expenses
Deductibility of self-education expenses The ATO recently released a final taxation ruling (TR 2024/3) which consolidates and updates its previous

FBT electric vehicle home charging rate
EV home charging rates for FBT purposes Since the introduction of EV incentives by various state governments to encourage the

Are you receiving personal services income?
Tax implications of receiving personal services income Personal Services Income (PSI) generally only applies to individuals that receive more than

Foreign investors to pay more for residential property
Foreign investors to pay increased fees to purchase established property In response to various media commentary and public sentiment that

ATO’s continued focus on illegal early release of super
ATO focusing on illegal early release of superannuation As a new calendar year commences, the ATO’s priorities in the SMSF

Consultation on enhancing TPB sanctions regime
Enhancements to TPB sanctions regime open for consultation In response to the tax adviser misconduct saga that unfolded during 2023,

Stage 3 tax cuts and proposed changes
Proposed changes to stage 3 tax cuts The talk about the stage 3 tax cuts has reached fever pitch in

Deductibility of financial advice fees
Draft ATO determination on deductibility of financial advice fees Late last year, the ATO released a draft taxation determination (TD

Employee vs contractors: new ATO Ruling
High Court decisions re employee v contractor spark ATO ruling Following the landmark High Court decisions in Construction, Forestry, Maritime,

Holiday homes not genuinely available for rent
Deductions denied for holiday homes not genuinely available for rent As the Christmas holiday period approaches, many individuals may be

ATO data-matching: directors and officeholders
ATO data-matching: directors and officeholders The ATO has announced a data-matching program which will acquire officeholder data from ASIC, the

ATO’s GST compliance focus areas
ATO GST compliance focus areas At a recent conference, the ATO outlined its key areas of focus for GST compliance.

Circumstances for tax return lodgment deferral
When can you get an extension of time to lodge your tax return? Tax time 2023 has now officially ended,

Regulation of crypto exchanges coming
Regulation of crypto exchanges on the horizon As foreshadowed by the government and supported by many consumer advocates, the government

Improving the Commissioner’s general powers of administration
Enhancement to the Commissioner’s general powers of administration The Inspector-General of Taxation and Taxation Ombudsman (IGTO) recently released a report

ATO visa data matching program extended
ATO extends visa data matching program for three years The ATO has advised that its visa data matching program has

Proposed mechanisms for payday super
Consultation paper on proposed mechanisms for payday super Unpaid superannuation is equivalent to wage theft and is detrimental to the

Sharing Economy Reporting regime
Sharing economy reporting regime started The Sharing Economy Report Regime (SERR) has now commenced for the 2023-24 income year. Only