Tax Law Expert For Business
Tax Solutions for Business

We provide business tax law services, business tax help and small business tax advice to business taxpayers who have a tax problem or tax issue relating to their business.
Everybody’s tax situation is different. You may operate your business as a sole trader or operate through a private company, partnership or trust.
No matter how you are structured or what your tax problem or tax issue is, we can resolve it for you.
These are some of the common business tax issues where we help our business clients to sort out their business tax problem.
Tax debts
If you have a business tax debt that you can’t pay or are struggling to pay, then depending on your circumstances we can help you by:
- Negotiating with the ATO to get you more time to pay your tax
- Making your business tax debt smaller by getting penalties and interest reduced
Payroll tax
If you pay wages above the relevant state threshold, you may have a liability to pay payroll tax, subject to any available exemption.
In addition, the payroll tax laws in each state deem certain entities to be “grouped” as though they were one entity for payroll tax purposes. This can lead to many business groups, especially those growing quickly and with an increasing wages bill, unknowingly exceeding the payroll tax threshold and becoming liable for payroll tax.
However, we can advise you on whether you may be eligible to apply for an exemption from grouping which would reduce your payroll tax liability.
Other payroll tax issues we assist business clients with include:
- Applications for exclusion from payroll tax grouping
- State and territory payroll tax reviews and audits
- Voluntary disclosures for under payment or over payment of payroll tax
- Objections to payroll tax assessments
Capital Gains Tax (CGT)
CGT is a complex area. We can advise you on the CGT implications of transactions and how to reduce your CGT if possible.
We use our vast tax knowledge and experience to advise clients on the CGT implications of different transactions and identify the best way to structure and implement transactions to take advantage of available discounts, small business CGT concessions, roll-overs and exemptions.
Whether you are selling your business, retiring, undergoing a business restructure, or undergoing some other commercial transaction, we will identify the best CGT solution for you.
Tax audit
If your business is reviewed or audited by the ATO, we can help you to manage the audit process and resolve your tax issue. We will fight for your claims wherever legally possible under the tax law.
Tax advice or ruling
If you need tax advice or a tax ruling on any business tax issue, we can help you by providing tax advice that you can understand.
Business tax issues we advise on include trusts and unpaid present entitlements, Division 7A and private company deemed dividends.
With offices in Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne, our team is available to meet with you, discuss your case, explain our advice and implement the next steps.
Tax objection or dispute
Objecting to an ATO tax assessment, ATO decision or taking the ATO to court is a complex process that must be done right, or it can limit your chance of success.
We are experts in tax objections and tax dispute resolution and can help you to resolve your tax dispute.
New businesses, start-ups & business structure reviews
Tax effective planning and structuring enables you, your business and your family to legitimately minimise your tax burden and maximise your returns.
Working within the complex tax laws and your asset protection and commercial objectives, we advise on how to best structure your affairs to legally minimise your tax.
By advising on immediate as well as potential tax issues, we assist our business clients to plan strategically so they can continue to grow.
We are experienced in assisting businesses to establish the most effective structure in terms of management, ownership, risk, liability and tax considerations.
We advise business clients on a range of general and technical GST issues, including:
- exemptions
- compliance
- GST audits
- eligibility for and application of the margin scheme
Employment taxes
As a business taxpayer and depending on your circumstances, you may be liable to pay a range of business taxes including fringe benefits tax (FBT), Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG) withholding and superannuation guarantee.
We provide business tax advice on all employment taxes.
Disclaimer: The information on this page is for general information purposes only and is not specific to any particular person or situation. There are many factors that may affect your particular circumstances. We advise that you contact Mathews Tax Lawyers before making any decisions.